Shipment will officially return in Modern Warfare 3

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) developers at Sledgehammer Games recently confirmed that the map Shipment will be available soon in a recent Reddit Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) session. The reply outlined that a total of 6 2v2 maps from the prequel title will be returning to the new shooter as a part of the carry-forward

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) developers at Sledgehammer Games recently confirmed that the map Shipment will be available soon in a recent Reddit Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) session. The reply outlined that a total of 6 2v2 maps from the prequel title will be returning to the new shooter as a part of the carry-forward process, including a new map as well. Shipment will apparently be one of the four carry-forward maps from MW2.

Modern Warfare 3 is quite demanding as it features a long list of gameplay content - both new and carry-overs from MW2. Shipment is one of the most iconic maps in the Modern Warfare saga and is easily one of the highest-played maps. Its return as a 2v2 map will provide players with a route to experience faster-paced gunfights.

This article will highlight Shipment’s confirmed return in Modern Warfare 3.

Will Shipment be available in Modern Warfare 3?

Yes, Shipment is slated to become available in the Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer playlist after its launch in the Season 1 update. The map’s return has been confirmed by the developers' team at Sledgehammer Games and will be available immediately with the launch of the first seasonal update.

Shipment is a great map to train and test your mechanical prowess in the game, as it is cramped and features linear gunfight areas. However, the devs only confirmed its return for the 2v2 mode and not any other in the upcoming playlist update. Moreover, the 2v2 mode will receive a total of 6 maps, including four maps from Modern Warfare 2 and a brand new map called Training Facility.

This is a great step from Sledgehammer, as the older maps will help players play in familiar arenas while the new map will slowly move the community to a fresh space. The Training Facility map has already been officially announced through the Call of Duty blog.

Unlike Shipment, it is a completely closed-off area with various soft walls and barricades that can be used as cover. The map also contains some rooms and elevated boxes to create routes for flanks and different climbable regions to get a clear view of most of the arena.

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