Cameron Diaz in Paris: still tweaked & jacked, or actually looking better?

As CB covered yesterday, Cameron Diaz is in Paris, where shes been going to seemingly every Paris fashion show, and I swear, she must have had ten costume changes in a 48-hour period. The British tabloids are making a big deal about Camys waxy, Botoxy face, but honestly, I think shes looking a little bit

As CB covered yesterday, Cameron Diaz is in Paris, where she’s been going to seemingly every Paris fashion show, and I swear, she must have had ten costume changes in a 48-hour period. The British tabloids are making a big deal about Camy’s waxy, Botoxy face, but… honestly, I think she’s looking a little bit better. Last year, Camy was looking really, really puffy, busted and jacked, and it honestly seems like her face has deflated a bit in these photos. If you told me she was still hitting the ‘Tox, I wouldn’t disagree with you. But I just think there’s a significant improvement in these photos.

I can’t really tell in these photos if Camy really did get a boob job. There were some bikini photos a month or two ago where it seemed like she definitely had gotten them done, but fully clothed, Cameron’s boobs look only slightly bigger. So, if she really did get them done, I applaud her for getting implants that suit her frame.

PS… I love her outfit here. I really want that jacket.

Photos courtesy of Fame.

